Health choices for the active and competitive dog and horse, and the non-working cat!
We are proud to STILL be an Independent and Privately-Owned Veterinary Practice!
We focus on providing progressive and practical diagnostic and treatment approaches to both equine and companion animal caretakers. Using a blend of both Specialty-level (Dr. Kim is Utah’s only Boarded-certified specialist in Veterinary Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation), modern conventional medicine combined with centuries-old, traditional medical knowledge we use conventional medicine with integrative therapies in a (w)holistic environment.
As one of the only independent and privately owned, brick-and-mortar practices in the Park City area, we are proud to offer long appointment times, thoughtful listening and mindful attention that allows us to participate as an integral part of your and your animal’s health story and problem-solving. Our goal is to help your 4-legged partner, whether weekend warrior, competitor, working stiff or retiree, maximize not only their lifespan, but also their healthspan.
Our vision is to elevate the synergistic medicine created between ancient and modern, traditional and conventional, energetic and physical, local and global to the level of the commonplace, where every animal and its human caretaker can have access to progressive and WHOLE-istic healthcare. Our local vision is to establish opportunities for animal caretakers to choose progressive and creative integrative, rehabilitation and sports therapy medicine options for the special animal souls in their care.
We specialize in providing holistic diagnostic and therapeutic choices to equine and companion animal caretakers. We are different from most "holistic" veterinary practices in that we use an overall holistic philosophy and provide conventional medical advice within the holistic context.
We have more than two decades of experience integrating holistic therapies in the treatment and care of performance horses of all disciplines, geriatric animals, animals with reproductive problems, performance and working dogs including patrol and drug/explosives detection, wildland/urban SAR, avalanche, agility, flyball, obedience, service and sled/skijorring dogs.
Advanced Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (including acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine): the use of Traditional Chinese medical diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in sports medicine and in the treatment of arthritis, cancer and chronic diseases such as Cushing's, liver and kidney failure, diabetes, Wobbler's, degenerative myelopathy and other degenerative illnesses.
Chiropractic: the use of short lever, high force manipulation to restore motion to fixated joints.
Tui Na: a Chinese soft tissue technique which is a combination of manipulation, massage and acupressure.
Classical Homeopathy: the use of ultra-diluted, potentized remedies from plant, animal or mineral sources to stimulate the body's innate ability to restore and maintain health. Homeopathics are extremely effective in treating both acute and chronic injuries and illnesses.
Nutrition: Animal Health V.I.P.S provides counseling in the use of whole foods and nutritional supplements in the prevention and treatment of disease.
Thermal Imaging: use of a state-of-the-art FLIR thermal imaging camera to locate and diagnose soft tissue temperature imbalances caused by asymmetric movement (in both canine and equine athletes), inflammation, degeneration and imbalanced shoeing and saddle fit.
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: while using high frequency sound waves and their echoes (ultrasound) is commonly used to examine abdominal organs, its use in evaluating muscle, fascia, tendons and ligaments is not as common in the dog as it is in the horse. Animal Health VIPS veterinarians have experience using high resolution ultrasonography to diagnose soft tissue (and sometimes bone) injuries in dogs horses, and even a cat or two.
Radiology: Animal Health VIPS has state-of-the-art xray technology (including software) to evaluate the equine musculoskeletal system, including the Epona Metron fusion with its standardization, mark-up & photo fusion ability.